Saturday, April 14, 2007


"In the Bible holiness always includes the public, social dimension, which is connected inextricably to the personality of the individual. Not only the human heart must be holy, but also the living conditions, social structures and the forms of the environment in which people live and which they continually construct. In all probability, reified, ritual holiness in the Old Testament and in Judaism always intended this. We must be extremely careful about reducing the requirement of holiness to the purely moral. In no case may the social dimension be lost.

The New Testament obviously knew why it referred to the believers of a church as "the saints," why it spoke of the "holy people" and why it called the church a "holy temple." In all these expressions "holy" always connotes "separated." Not separated in a ghetto, in religious self-satisfaction or in cultural or intellectual isolation, but separated to a different style of life and to new forms of life which realize what God wants society to be, in contrast to the structures of a sick society that is far from God."

From Jesus and Community by Gerhard Lohfink, p. 135

Friday, April 13, 2007

New Start

I finally took the plunge and started a new 'meetup' group in my area for postmodern Christians. I hope this will be the beginning of a new Christian community. I'm nervous about it, yet excited. Please keep me in prayer!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Weekend

I spent a wonderful 5 days visiting my Dad (Jack) and step-mom (Lorie) and their 9 Labradors on their new acreage in Lumby. I had a great time, and got some much-needed relaxation. Here is the 'best of' video...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Images of Calvary

At His Feet by Anthony Novak
"Jesus, being without sin, took upon himself the iniquities of the world, so that all who put their trust in him will be saved from the law of sin and death. At the foot of the Cross are life, hope, and salvation for all who believe."

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