Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I've been battling a migraine for over two weeks now, so I haven't had a lot of original thoughts to post here. It's amazing how something so seemingly minor can (temporarily) transform my journey into a holding pattern. I've been thinking about the poor a lot during this time - I know that many of the world's poorest poor have no access to HIV or malaria medication. The sad truth is that something as accessible as aspirin is also hard to come by - a migraine like mine with no treatment could lay someone flat, robbing them of their ability to work. Bono's words really stand out to me right now: "I'm talking about the right to live like a human, the right to live, period. Those are the stakes in Africa right now."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, migraines are a condition that are almost exclusive to the West: North America and Western Europe (don't know about developed Asia though). Some think they are related to stress, high blood pressure, or even environmental causes, while others wonder if they are a consequence of our lifestyle (ie, plenty). Interesting theological connotations to that!
I hope it goes away anyway!

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