Friday, February 02, 2007

Upgrading the Church's Soft Skills

"The inclusive, networking skills that are at such a premium in companies like Google are D team skills in the old business world. Known there as “soft skills” (i.e., less effective), these organic, relational ways of working are seen as feminine and therefore, weak, indecisive, people-pleasing, time-consuming, and manipulative. Yes, even as mega-companies like eBay (run by a woman), Starbucks, Apple, and Google have redefined “soft” skills as essential."
Quote by Sally Morgenthaler from Climbing the Corporate Web. The whole article is worth reading!

One reader tied in the author's point to the Church, saying:

"I can't help but think that some of the skills of the "hard-soft" leadership styles you described are precisely what is needed for the organism (and organization) that is the church today..."

Good point!

The author responds:
"Yes, the Google Church. Hard to imagine. But I do think that we are on the verge of a new era in ministry. Either we honor the relational, dare I say - collaborative - nature of the one we worship (Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier) and use this window of opportunity to release God's work into many hands, OR we fossilize in our command-and-control fixation."

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