Monday, May 07, 2007

An Expensive Mistake

Yesterday, in my laundering frenzy, I accidentally washed my cell phone in my jeans. It came out lemony fresh, never to ring again. Aside from feeling stupid, I was disappointed - the phone had lots of cool features.

So I went to the mall this morning to find the cheapest replacement possible. The phone rep was very helpful - for just over $200, he sold me this:

Yep, I paid $200 for the exact same phone. I feel a little gypped! They did have a cheaper version, which was slightly smaller than this:

Call it pride, but I felt embarassed carrying around a phone too big to fit in my purse!
Well, I've learned my lesson - always check my pockets for Kleenex and cell phones before throwing my pants into the wash.

1 comment:

Sherrie Ashcraft said...

Hey, Nicole!

My daughter and I just came to your blog. It looks like a great place to spend some time.

I got a kick out of your blog about washing your cell phone, as just the other day I couldn't find mine. I searched all over the house, trying to backtrack where I could have possibly left it. (At my age, I have to do that frequently!!) I finally located it in the back pocket of my jeans, which were in the clothes hamper. So I was very close to meeting your fate!

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